🚨Centralization Bottlenecks

Where Kona centralizes and suggestions for future solutions

Areas we have identified

As with every new product, built is better than perfect. In order to get Kona up and running, we had to make some design tradeoffs and rely on some centralized entities.

  • The ramp provider we use currently has a huge list of responsibilities such as remitting fiat currency and liquidating loan payments.

  • In order to move fast, the ownership of Kona is still centralized in founding team, thus governance is non existing (balance between takers and investors).

  • Loans are currently within a single category: credit card receivables. Therefore, collateral is locked by a single provider (albeit in all 3 registers).

  • Kona is initially geographically centralized in Brazil, being exposed to local regulation changes.

We have our own views on how to improve on these issues and will share them bellow. However, we would like to invite the community to come together in our Discord and propose improvements.

Proposed solutions

Join our Discord and lets discuss your view on #building-kona.

Last updated